Catch OpenCraft at the Open edX Conference 2024

Platform news

Catch OpenCraft at the Open edX Conference 2024

This year, the Open edX Conference will be held from July 2 – 5, 2024 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. I’m […]
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June 2023: OpenCraft Quarterly Catch Up

It’s that time again. Our quarterly catch up is here, and I’m about to dish out the hottest goss on all things […]

OpenCraft in Boston and Bogotá

After an unforgettable Open edX 2022 conference and co-working retreat last year in Lisbon, Portugal, we were eager to see what our 2023 trip had in store!

Catch OpenCraft at the Open edX Conference 2023

This year, the Open edX Conference will be held from March 28 – 31 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The conference schedule […]

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12-22 Newsletter — Olive Release, Listaflow, Call For Proposals

[Olive Released 🫒] The fifteenth Open edX community release, called Olive, is now out! The release was coordinated by the Open edX […]

2022 TOC Election - Help us spread the word!

Register to vote In October 2022, members of the Open edX Community will be called to elect 3 members of […]
A ghost in a field

Demystifying User Retirement in the Open edX platform

This article was written by team member Kaustav Banerjee. User Retirement in an Open edX platform is the very last […]

OpenCraft In Portugal: Team Retreat, Conference Highlights

Written by Gabriel D'Amours, a member of the OpenCraft team. After three years of not seeing each other in the […]
group with sunset

Open edX Core Contributor Program

This article was written by Sarina Canelake, Engineering & Community Manager at The Center For ReImagining Learning (tCRIL). The Open […]
Blue sky and clouds on canvas.

Open edX Content Libraries on Canvas LMS? Sure!

This article was co-written by OpenCraft team member Adolfo Brandes and Daniel Seaton, Sr. Learning Systems Designer at MIT. In […]

Improving Open Response Assessments: Blended Project Recap

This article was written by OpenCraft team member Giovanni Cimolin da Silva. A good way to assess learners in online […]

LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage Support in the Open edX Platform

This article was written by Giovanni Cimolin (OpenCraft) and Ned Batchelder (edX). Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) is a standard used […]
A laptop shows graphs and data about a project

How Agile Methodology Impacts Planning and Budgets

This article was written by team member Fox Piacenti. Software development is a complex process. Anyone looking to invest in software […]

All XModules converted to XBlocks

This blog post was co-authored by OpenCraft team member Usman Khalid and edX team member Dave Ormsbee. It is with […]

Building A New Feature: What Matters Most

This blog post was written by our team member Aayush Agrawal At OpenCraft, we do a lot of feature development […]

Open edX Core Committers Program

by Braden MacDonald, CTO of OpenCraft & Nimisha Asthagiri, Chief Architect at edX Announcement As part of edX’s ongoing commitment […]
A page hot off a printing press.

Introducing Open edX Publisher

Arguably, one of the biggest things about the most recent Open edX release, Koa, is that it officially supports the […]
Ancient Computers on Display at the National Museum of Computing

Why you Should Upgrade your Open edX Installation--And Keep it up to Date

This article was written by team member Fox Piacenti. If your company runs a copy of the Open edX platform, […]
A person writes down information in a notebook.

A New Editable Gradebook For the Open edX platform

This article was written by team member Fox Piacenti. The website opened in 2012 as a massive online learning […]

XBlock Highlights: Chatbot XBlock

The Chat XBlock describes itself as "An XBlock that allows learners to chat with a bot, where the bot follows a script and the learner can choose among possible responses."

Why We Automate (Almost) Everything That Can Be Automated

This article was written by team member Nizar Mahmoud. Work often involves a lot of repetitive and time-heavy tasks. For […]

Rebuilding our Open edX instance manager

A few months ago we decided to rebuild our Open edX instance manager frontend to provide more customization options and […]

LabXchange is the Inaugural Open edX Prize Winner for Most Important Technical Project

Congratulations to Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Amgen Foundation, and the LabXchange team on this win! Even […]

Why you should use a dedicated instance of the Open edX platform

This article was written by Jeff Miller, a member of the OpenCraft marketing team. We’ve consciously built OpenCraft on four […]

The new OpenCraft Pro & Teacher hosting plan has launched : )

This article was written by Jeff Miller, a member of the OpenCraft marketing team. I’m excited to share that we […]

Working With Top-Tier Universities and the Open edX platform

This article was written by Jeff Miller, a member of the OpenCraft marketing team. At OpenCraft, we work daily with […]

Openness isn’t just for code: Radical transparency at OpenCraft

This article was written by Jeff Miller, a member of the OpenCraft marketing team. Foreword It’s probably not a surprise […]

Our Contributions to the Open edX® Enterprise Service

This article was written by team member Tim Krones From fall of 2016 through summer of 2018, OpenCraft worked closely with […]

Are you now working remotely? Here’s how to make it work long term.

This article was written by Jeff Miller, a member of the OpenCraft marketing team Foreword In the midst of the […]

LabXchange is launched!

This post was written by Braden MacDonald (CTO at OpenCraft) and Ned Batchelder (Software Architect at edX). This has also […]

Why the Open edX® Platform Should Be Your New LMS

This article was written by team member Giovanni Cimolin da Silva Are you looking into new solutions for your next […]

Public Course Content - Now Available In Ironwood

This article was originally posted by OpenCraft team member Jill Vogel on the Open edX website. The upcoming Open edX® […]

2019 Open edX Conference recap

This article was written by team member James Tait The OpenCraft team was present at the 2019 Open edX Conference […]