03-22 Newsletter — Conference Program; Technical Oversight Committee; Open edX Survey; OpenCraft In Lisbon

Posted by Gabriel D'Amours on April 1, 2022

Open edX Conference

The program and schedule for the 2022 Open edX Conference are now live! Please visit Sched to see the full program and build your own custom conference schedule. Conference registration is also still open. The 2022 Conference spans four days:

Tues, April 26 – Registration + Tutorials and in-depth training
Wed, April 27 – Conference Day 1 and evening reception
Thu, April 28 – Conference Day 2
Fri, April 29 – Developer Summit
 This year, conference sessions have been grouped in three distinct tracks: Pedagogy & Instructional Design, Platform & Product, and Extensions & Integrations. 

The OpenCraft team is delighted to participate and contribute to the conference, as always. For our contribution this year, we are members of the conference planning committee, have submitted a record number of session proposals, and also are sponsoring the evening reception! Our team is very excited, and we hope to meet you soon in Lisbon : )

-> Read more about sessions, speakers & sponsors on the Open edX blog

Technical Oversight Committee

The Open edX Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has recently completed its roster with three new members, including none other than OpenCraft CEO Xavier Antoviaque! Our team is proud, and humbled, by this nomination — it is a nice testimony to OpenCraft's deep and lasting involvement in the Open edX community.

As announced a few months ago, the committee will be responsible for governing the overall technical direction and stewardship of the Open edX project. The addition of members coming from the broader community is an important step in establishing a more inclusive and open leadership for the Open edX project.

Open edX Survey

The Center for Reimagining Learning (tCRIL) is conducting a survey to capture a more detailed understanding of the Open edX scope and impact. They aim to use the survey results to answer questions about the number of instances deployed, the platform's reach, sectors served, and so on.  The results of the survey (which will be anonymized and aggregated) will be presented at the Open edX Conference in April.

If you host the Open edX platform for yourself or your clients, please take a few minutes to answer the survey. The data will help the community make more informed decisions about the future of the platform.

-> Read the instructions on how to answer the Open edX Survey

OpenCraft in Lisbon

After 3 years of not seeing each other, OpenCraft is finally able to organize a team retreat in Lisbon : ) Most of the team will fly to Portugal the week before the Open edX Conference, and we're looking forward to seeing each other again. We'll be operating from a co-working space, living together in Airbnbs, doing various activities together, and eating way too many pasteis de natas. Hit us up if you're around! We'll post a recap of our time together in an upcoming newsletter.  

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