2022 TOC Election - Help us spread the w …
2022 TOC Election - Help us spread the w …
2022 TOC Election - Help us spread the word!

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Register to vote

In October 2022, members of the Open edX Community will be called to elect 3 members of the new core decision-making body of the Open edX project — the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) — and we need your help!

The 3 elected community representatives will join the TOC, along with the 3 members from tCRIL and the 3 members from 2U.

The 3 elected community representatives have the mission to represent the community as a whole, but with each a specific focus:

  • Operators & core community representative, which is elected by the project’s core contributors and maintainers
  • Instructors representative, which is elected by all individuals producing or running a currently active course on Open edX 
  • Learners representative, which represents everyone using Open edX to learn; for this election round, it is elected by the instructors, but the representative will be responsible for reaching out to the learners, and helping to involve learners in the project & its elections.

If you or are running a currently active course on Open edX, please register to vote! This includes any form of contribution to the authoring of a course, and particularly Teaching Assistants (TAs).

Voter registration is open until September 30th, and the election will be held in October.

Help reaching out to eligible voters

We also need the whole community’s help to let all eligible voters know that they can vote. Since we are an open source project, our community is spread over many individual Open edX sites. Many learners, instructors, TAs and operators will not be following the news here – so if you know any, or have any way to get the news of the election registration published where users of Open edX will see it, please help! 

Learn more

For more details about the election, see the TOC Community Election Charter which has been recently enacted by the TOC, after community review. This is still an experimental process, which the TOC might adjust based on the experience gained running the elections.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash


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